Wednesday, January 20, 2010

National Mother's Day Off Day!

I was thinking last week how I could really use a day off. And I mean really off. No work, no kids, no anything but what I want to do. Sure, us mom's get Mother's Day, but come on! One, it's on a Sunday, so the average person already has that day off. Two, how many of us actually get left alone? I know I don't. If you do, you are genuinely lucky and I applaud your spouse for giving that time to you. What I am talking about here is a day where even the single moms of this great nation are rewarded. Dream with me for a moment.....if you are married, your spouse is required to take the kids. He has to watch them all day while you are given the opportunity to do as you please. If you are unmarried or single either you family must support this day and take your kids for you, or the government is required to provide you with a nanny for the day. I mean, why not? It's not like the government doesn't already spend on frivolous and worthless indulgences. What's one day a year to honor all of us mothers out there?

Think about it...once the kids are taken care of, what would you do? You know if this was a real day, hotels would offers specials, restaurants too, and of course, the ultimate, massages! I would book a hotel room for myself and sleep. Once I had woken I'd lay in bed, order food in, and watch a couple of my favorite movies completely uninterrupted. Then a masseuse would come to my room and give me a hot stone massage, completely relaxing me. Once I was nice and relaxed, I'd sleep some more, or read a book if I was unable to sleep due to the amount of sleep I'd already had. If I still had time in my day, I'd get my nails and toes done, plus a hair cut. Eventually I'd end up back home (probably the next morning) feeling refreshed and ready to begin a regular day.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love my family and we've gone through a lot of personal changes for the better recently. But as a mother who works full time, takes care of her house, family and kids, and is attempting to take her writing full time, I am worn out! If I take a day off from my job to work from home, I usually end up sleeping because it's the only time I can do it uninterrupted. I know other mothers in the same boat and I know many single mothers who could benefit from a day off like I imagine. Us mothers, we work hard, and often feel unappreciated! My husband is working on this part, but those of you out there without a significant other, you do so much with little thanks. Instead of the government spending large amounts of money on catering ham for their lunches (yes that is real, look it up!), they could use that money to support the women who are raising future voters. Mother's of America, you deserve a day off! I commend you for what you do! Single mothers, I salute you!

So women, what do you think? What would you do if you had a real day off, all to yourself? Do you think your spouse would burn the house down taking care of the kids? Or would you come home to empty pizza boxes and McDonald's bags strewn about the house? That would be me, right there. Every day off isn't without it's consequences right? But it would be totally worth it!

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year....Same Old Goals?

Loose weight? Exercise more? Quit smoking? Watch less TV? These are often common resolutions during the New Year. But how many of us actually keep these resolutions? I know I don't. My husband doesn't, for the most part. Most of my friends fail with in the first two weeks. So what is it about making resolutions that seems so important at the time, but once it is said, we just leave them by the wayside as soon as we get too lazy to keep going? I suppose that as each New Year approaches, it makes us feel good to say we are planning to change. "This year will be my year! This year I'm going to do it!" But why can't we always be that way? Why does it have to be just once a year? It seems to me we have grown this mentality that we can't continually change. Change should be something we work towards on a daily basis. My husband and I have been known to have a difficult relationship. Why are we still together, some people ask. Because we choose to continually change. To work on our selves as well as our relationship. It has taken us several years to get to this point, but it is happening. The same goes for our business. If I ever want to get out of my J.O.B. then I have to change how I think. I have to take the initiative and pursue my dreams. I've always loved writing, so how can I make it work for me? By writing for myself, by writing for clients, by writing as much as possible to get my name out into the world. Eventually this will lead to my goal but not without a lot of work. I used to be afraid of the work, now, I embrace it. It may be difficult while working, taking care of my family, and taking care of my household, but I think in the end it will be worth it.

In conclusion, change is good. Don't look at changing just once a year; you should be changing all the time. If you brake your resolutions, simply start over. Life happens. We shouldn't see starting over as a negative but as a way to continually grow and reach our full potential. Sometimes a fruit tree needs to be pruned to the bare minimum to bare the most fruit.